Friday, February 2, 2024

Deep Link and its Testing via Automation


I get these question consistently from my fellow testers and community.

  1. How to automate the mobile apps and web applications using Deep Links?
  2. How to automate the business flows using Deep Links?
  3. How to achieve end-to-end business flows testing on using Deep Links?
  4. How to automate scenarios in mobile apps using Deep Links?
  5. What is the best approach to automate the mobile apps using Deep Links?
  6. What is the best practice to automate using the Deep Links?
And, more questions on same pitch.

No Deep Dive into - What is Deep Link?

A hyperlink in HTML is a kind of deep link within a website or to another website.

Deep Link is known with different names for web, Android app and iOS app.  All these names have the same understanding and intent at some point.

The Deep Links are URIs that takes me directly to a specific part (activity or fragment) of the app that I'm using or testing.  The Deep Link will have an intent which tells where I will be taken on using it.

When we converse on diving deep technically into testing and automation of Deep Link, will share more insights into its internals.

Deep Link and Challenges

This question is discussed with me often:
How to do end-to-end testing using the Deep Link?
Automation of a mobile app using Deep Link poses a challenge which is not experienced in web application.  

One such challenge is, say you have not installed the mobile app.  [This is solvable!]
  • On using a Deep Link, I should be taken to Apple Store or Play Store based on the app.
  • I have to install the app.
    • Post this, in the traditional automation, I should start traversing the business work flows via GUI.
    • Is this adding to the flakiness aspect of automation via GUI?

When we talk so much about flakiness and how to avoid (not prevent), should we exercise business workflows when automating using Deep Link?  What you are thinking?  Let me know!

Scoping of Automation Using Deep Link

Back to the fundamentals.
  • We have to automate, no escape from it.  Let us automate what must be automated!
  • Let us not fall into trap of "Automate everything!"
    • For today, I'm in this mindset and attitude,
  • What we automate depends on the objective or goal that we want to accomplish.
    • Each test should have precise and deterministic goal.
      • A test via automation is not an exemption to it.
      • A test defined in automation should be precise, deterministic and have a single objective - Single Responsibility Principle.

What is the objective of my testing via automation for the Deep Link?  This define the scope and extent of my automation.  This will minimize the number of checks that I do using Deep Link.

The purpose of Deep Link is to take me to specific part of the mobile app.
  • Should I start the end-to-end or exercising the workflow to be included in the Deep Link tests?
    • If included, am I not complicating the testing via automation?

Automation using Deep Link

I ask this question to myself and to my team.
What is the goal of testing via automation using Deep Link?

This question helps me to pick minimal and necessity flow actions.   It has lead and leads me to define minimal tests for Deep Link based on what we want to learn from automation of same.

To me, the purpose of Deep Link is not end-to-end testing.  It's purpose is,

Am I taken to the intended state and data when used the Deep Link?

I have kept the test intent to this.

With this, I have come with tests that has minimal must evaluation and assertion to learn if the app is responding or not to the Deep Link.  This is what the business wants when the Deep Links are created.

The app usage and workflow function is not a problem statement of Deep Link in a general context.

Deep Link is not for end-to-end.  It is to take to you from a point to another point, that's it.

Are you automating using Deep Link?


  1. Resources to refer:


  2. More resources and Information:



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