Sunday, December 25, 2022

HTTP Request Methods - DOT 3P HCG


Today, in the morning session with a mentee, she asked, "I have difficulty in remembering all the HTTP request methods and what it does. How can I make it simple?"  

I had the same question in the end of 2009 when I started testing the applications built using the HTTP.

Learning, and Registering the Learning

When I read, I forget it, because it is not yet registered in me consciously.  How to learn in a way so that it registers in me? I had this question.  Especially, when I started my career, I had this challenge.

In the college days, I had formed a tricks and hacks to remember and the mnemonic was one of them.  In 2008, I came across mnemonics in Software Testing.  I saw the mnemonic used by practitioners in Software Testing as one of the learning techniques and to register and retrieve the learning.

I repeat my learning in multiple approaches until I understand a concept. Then I form a layer where I make it simple for me to register it, in me, and to retrieve.

I applied the same with the HTTP request methods.  It became simple to me to recall and use it in my test designs when needed.


I helped myself by framing the mnemonic DOT 3P HCG in 2010.  I had difficulty in recalling the HGC part. For this, I said to myself -- head, chest, and gut.  That HCG became smooth in registering.  Finally, I could recall all the HTTP request methods with this mnemonic.

DOT 3P HCG stands for:

    • to delete the resource specified
    • describes the communication options for the targeted source
  • T: TRACE
    • used for diagnostic purpose and does a loop-back test along the path to target resource

  • P: POST
    • to submit an entity to specified resource
  • P: PUT
    • to upload/update an entity that is saved on server at a specified endpoint
  • P: PATCH
    • to do a partial modification to a resource

  • H: HEAD
    • Ask for a response which is identical to GET but without a response body
      • For example, fetching the expiry date in a header as a response so that it can be used in the next request's header or a payload
    • To establish a tunnel with a endpoint or server for communication
  • G: GET
    • To request a representation (an information copy) of specified resource

As the HTTP request methods name are verbal, I can recall easily the purpose of each method.  I shared the same today with a mentee.  She could register it in a minute and recall these HTTP request methods and its purpose.

She is happy and says it is so simple now to recall the HTTP methods and its purpose.

Thursday, November 17, 2022

Testability Revisited


I read the below question on The Test Chat's Telegram group.

When you start working on a project, what steps do you take to establish the testability of the product?

This question is helpful in learning how we see the Testability of a product.  It is a common perception to see the product with testability and then to test the product using the testability.

But, in reality, the testability is associated more with the tests; the tests which are used to test a product being developed or developed.

So, when we talk about testability, we need to be more aware of the test that we will be designing to test the software.  This test should be quick and easy to execute with the help of the programmed or available testability factors and their attributes.

You can find more blog posts in and around testability here in Testing Garage.  Testability in software engineering and systems is one of my research areas.


I understand Testability as

  • How easy it is easy to test by an engineer
    • In a given context and skills of an engineer
    • With the being used test approach and strategy

Note: The context can keep including factors as we add more and continue to test

It is not about if one can test the software or not.  It is all about software that is easily tested.  How easy?  That is one of the testability factors in software design and programming.

Test and Testability

Unless I know the test, I will not be certain about the Testability.  Testability does not drive tests.  It aids the execution of the test and it is a heuristic.  If the test is designed well to the context and if the testability is used well in the test's context, the execution of a test can be quick and easy.

The tests
  • make use of available Testability
  • helps to strengthen the Testability
  • add more Testability in different seams/layers of the engineering and product

From here it will be two ways; the tests and testability will complement each other.  Further, it leads to developing and including more specific and deterministic tests and testability types in respective seam/layers.

Testability and Automatability

Testability can be classified further into several categories.  Based on the purpose and what to evaluate we will have to identify Testability in respective categories and need to use it.

As a software engineer one is bound to think testability with software programming and infrastructure.  But, testability in software engineering is not just bound to software programming.

The testability is diverse and available across engineering activities.  It is used in all engineering activities.  Maybe, for a software engineer who is hands-on with programming and testing, they infer Testability most times with programming and infrastructure.

I see, the Testability always exists to an extent.  But, can it be identified and used in the way I approach, design, execute and evaluate my test?  That is the point to explore.

If it is testable to some extent, then we are using some Testability attribute(s).

If there is Testability in a seam/layer, then there is an Automatbility in that seam/layer to an extent.

If it is automatable then there is some attribute of Testability in that seam/layer.  Again, the question comes to knowing and learning -- What am I testing and automating? Why? How? When? Where?

This discovers seams/layers to test and automate.  It leads to identifying the tests.  Then, to identify and build more Testability and Automatability.

A written program feature essentially will have an automatable characteristic and space.  If it is automatable, then it is making use of and extending the testability.

In summary,
  • Know the test to know and identify the Testability better
  • Know the Testability to automate better
  • Know the Automatability to assist your testing better.

Context-Free Questions to Identify Testability

To know and have better Testability, here are a few things that I will want to know:
  1. What is the test?
    • What am I testing and what am I supposed to test?
    • How is this test designed to learn and evaluate the system?
    • What are the data, states, and events that I'm experimenting, exploring, and experiencing as I test this system with help of this test?
    • How can I make this testing quick and easy?
      • What should I use to make my testing quick and easy with this test?
        • How should I use it to make my testing quick and easy with this test?
        • When and where should I use it to make my testing quick and easy with this test?
  2. Why am I testing this?
  3. What happens if I test this and do not test this?
  4. What is the value loss I will incur if not tested?
  5. What is the value loss I will incur if I do not understand and learn the outcome of the test?
  6. What changes the dimensions of my tests?
  7. How can I learn the product better from this test?
  8. What information am I learning from this test?
  9. What information, heuristics, and Oracle help me and stakeholders to analyze and decide better?
  10. Do I actually know the product from the perspectives of
    • tech
    • business
    • user
    • risks
    • problems
    • protocols
    • guidelines
    • environment
    • money
    • benefits
    • exploitations
    • team developing it
    • and, more that I can add to the context of the product and project

To summarize, know the test and know how the test is designed.  It helps to identify better testability at the right layer/seam of the software system and engineering.  If there is no effective testability at that seam/layer, it helps to build one.  That way, the automatability also gets built in that seam/layer if the team collaborates well.

Saturday, November 5, 2022

Technically, What is a Bug?


I'm mentoring the Software Test Engineers.  In one of the pair sessions with a mentee, we were discussing the technical aspects of one technology.  We started to test the application and a mentee said, she found a bug.

She explained the bug.  Further, she asked how, can I explain this bug technically.  And, going ahead, she asked, "Can you technically tell what a bug is?"  

Technically, What is a Bug?

I have come across various definitions of a bug from other software testing practitioners.  If I have to tell technically what a bug is, I put it this way:

  • A bug, is a logical incident experienced
  • It is logical because the programming instructions written are logical
  • Technically, the bug is a logical incident

Friday, November 4, 2022

My Work, My Fit, and Company's Goals


I, My Role and Expectations

At least once a day, it is useful to think about oneself.  I started doing this late in my life and career. I started doing it in recent years.  If I do not think about myself, I will be lost very soon.  This is not selfishness; it is self-care, which is what I'm learning.

It is essential for me to think about myself, because:

  • It helps me to see what I'm
  • It helps me to see where I moved today
    • Does this move help me personally?
    • Does this move help me professionally?
    • What benefits does it bring me?
    • What benefits does it bring to those with whom I associate and work together?
    • Does it keep me in sound mental and physical health?
    • Did I learn today?
      • Something new?
      • Anything I refined and unlearned?
    • Does it bring any costs and cons to me?
  • Am I fit?
    • Fit to where?
    • Fit to what?
    • Fit? How?
    • Fit? Why?
    • Fit? When

In all the roles I take in my personal and professional life, I'm evaluated at some point in time.  I will be judged for:
  • Did I fit?
  • Did I do my role
  • Did I meet the expectation?

The problem is not that I'm evaluated.

The problem is I'm evaluated without saying what makes me fit to be in the association and how I will have to meet the expectation.  Some associations can remove us while some cannot.

When I say this, I want to say this -- the word family is often misunderstood; not all associations can be a family although the word family is used often in associations.  This is reality and not a fact!

Does family eliminate me if I do not fit in?  I don't know!  At least the hope is, family is where I can be myself; without the thought of me being judged and evaluated for what I take and bring to the family.  My family as well have expectations from me in the different roles I live in with them.

When I can see this in my family, why don't I see this in the place where I work together with other people?

Do I fit in here for what I make out of this place (company) and take it to my family, home, and my life?

I wish my home and school had helped me learn this question early in my life!  I expect it now because I realize the "value of fit", now, that is, after I graduated and started to work with people in the organizations.

I consistently learn that every one of us is replaceable in any association, be it family or a workplace.  And, it moves on; it does not stop.  If not replaceable, it is manageable to continue and move on.

When we are in the association, how fit we are so that it is hard to replace?  Maybe that's a price (value) tag and a necessity of one!

The Response, That I Should Evaluate

As a responsible colleague and team member, I promote the discussion of this question at least once a month.  I ask this question to whom I report at work.

I will have this question in every one-on-one catch-up that I will have with my reporting manager.  And, I expect a response to this question and want it recorded for future reference.

What is that question?

How does my work fit in with the company's goals?

Evaluating the response:
  • How do I evaluate the response to this question?
  • What should I do on the evaluation of the response?
  • Why should I evaluate the response?
  • What should be my next course of action?
  • After all, what is my response to this question and how do I evaluate it?

To get promoted to the next roles,
  • I need to be solving the problem of my higher (or next) role
  • I need to have the capability (skills) to solve problems of my higher role

But this is not a question of promotion.  It is the question of being fit for the company's goals.

While I get promoted or to be promoted, my work may still not fit with the company's goals.  Identifying this early helps.

I have learned, sometimes the promotion does not necessarily come with the fit for the company's goals.  But then eventually the fit will be evaluated at one stage by someone in the company together with a promotion given.

This has led me to ask this question consistently and then evaluate the response with the business, political and rational mindsets.

I say the same to my team, that is, ask this question for yourself and to the reporting manager.  Evaluate the response that comes to you.

Should you ask this question to your reporting manager in each month's one-on-one catch-up?

The Fit Equation Changes

In the team and company, we believe:
  • We are contributing
  • We are a value-adding fit type

We keep saying to ourselves how we make a great fit and difference.  Isn't it?

This "fit equation" keeps changing every day or quarter or year or appraisal cycle.  I learn, this "fit equation" keeps changing rather than evolving.

Adapting to this consistent change and delivering is evolving.  This is my understanding for today.

Biases, Communication, and Problem Solving

We all are in biased mindsets and perceptions at any point in time.  The people in the company need help to break these mindsets so that one's fit equation is questioned and assessed regularly.  In my opinion, this is a great assistance that a manager and a leader can give to her/his people.

I expect the managers and leaders to ask the company:
  • What the company wants from the people?

We people in the company and in the team, let us ask the manager and leaders:
  • What the company expects from me?
  • What is my fit equation?
  • Does the current work that I'm delivering fits the company's goals?

I have heard most times from people saying, "I was said that I did not fit with the company's goal".

How will one know what is the company's goals and how can one align with them unless it is communicated and recorded professionally?  I see, to start it needs communication, clarity, and affirmation first from both ends.

Does this solve the problem?  No!  It gives an onset to understand the problem and the differences to fix.  With this, the manager and leader can help the team, and vice versa, in solving the problem.  Thereby contributing to the company's goals by aligning with them.

If you are a manager or a leader, make sure you have this as an essential practice in monthly catch-up to assess this fit equation and let know your people.  I love seeing this initiative from managers and leaders.

This is one of the leader's fitness to be in the role to assist people and the company.  By doing so, we will help the company, business, employees, investors, and customers.

To reset this post's intent equation:
  • How the work expected from me fit in with the company's goals?
  • How does the work I'm doing fit in with the company's goals?

Monday, October 31, 2022

I'm Open to Mentoring the Software Test Engineers



I hope you are doing well.  With this blog post, I want to let you know that I'm open to mentoring Software Test Engineers from this November 2022.  I will have a minimal fee for the mentoring that I do.  If the fee is bothering you, do not worry!  You move forward for The First Catch Up.

The First Catch Up

Before we start the mentoring sessions, I would like to listen to you until I and you get an insight that we have listened enough.  From the discussion and listening, it will be evident to us whether can we pair up in the mentoring session or not for the time being.  If I see that you need mentoring from another orientation, I will connect you to the appropriate mentor.

This is to assist you better and to let me know how I can assist you.  For the first catch up, we can connect on a call.  Please use below QR Code to connect on Telegram.  If you are not on Telegram, I'm just one email away. Here is my email -- ravisuriya1 at gmail dot com.

My Telegram ID to Connect for The First Catch Up

I and Mentoring

I have been a hands-on Software Test Engineer for 15 years now and continuing my practice.  In my practice, I have put myself into different contexts and demands of software development and engineering.  Working with a two-member organization, start-ups, and enterprise organizations, I understand the dynamics of engineering and can adapt to it.  

In doing so, I  have tested and continuing my testing with the monolith, microservices, and distributed systems.  Put me in any domain and seam (layer) here, I can test and automate here by learning what is needed.  I can share this learning and practice of me with you.

Do you expect motivation from me?  I'm motivated and I will share what is motivating me.  To keep my motivation up and consistent, I'm disciplined.  I look to commitment in your discipline to be motivated to take both of us forward.  It is our job and not just of you or me.

This keeps me up and high and not the minimal fee that I take from you.

And, do not stick on to one mentor. Find your mentors with contrasting thoughts and practices.  It helps a lot.

How and the New Beginning, Not the End

Anything has to be time-bound and with milestones to accomplish.  When I'm mentoring with defined and evaluated milestones, we will be along with the time.  Though mentoring does not come to end, the picked activities have to see a new beginning and challenges, rather than continuing the same discussions and practice.

If we are not seeing this, then we have something not going right for our goal.  We will be evaluating it consistently week-on-week.

It is not about seeing the results.  It is about understanding where we are in seeing ourselves in where we have to be.  It is a journey. The result that we experience is just one minute part of this exploring journey

In simple, we will be outside of our comfort zone!  I said, ours comfort zones!

The Fee

As I mentioned, you will have to pay a minimal fee monthly basis only if you choose me to mentor you and we both work together in this activity.  It is a minimal fee that I will tell you on connecting.  There is no fee for The First Catch Up.

Why the wait?  Let us catch up and listen to each other.

Thursday, September 22, 2022

WebDriver: Tracing the Interface WebDriver - Part 2


In the previous post of this WebDriver series, I shared a gist about what WebDriver does and how.  In this blog post as Part 2 of this series, I'm sharing a bit more details on WebDriver and RemoteWebDriver.  

From there, we will see how AppiumDriver is related to WebDriver -- which extends the interface SearchContext.

This blog post is written as part of 21Days21Tips from The Test Chat.  The tip shared in this post is to know more about WebDriver internals and how it associates with RemoteWebDriver and AppiumDriver.

This should help in understanding the Selenium APIs better and from where it comes.  This helps in having a better mental model of the Selenium WebDriver and how we want to structure the instructions in the tests and utilities we write

SearchContext and WebDriver

Picture: Representation of SearchContext and hierarchy of WebDriver

  • The SearchContext is the parent interface in the WebDriver hierarchy
    • The subinterfaces of SearchContext are
      • WebDriver
      • WebElement
  • This SearchContext defines two methods
    • findElement(By by)
      • Modifier and Type is: WebElement
      • It finds the first WebElement using the given method
    • findElements(By by)
      • Modifier and Type is: java.util.List<WebElement>
      • It finds all elements within the current context using the given mechanism
        • NoteI'm referring to Java APIs of Selenium in this blog post
        • More details of this can be found here.

Note: Selenium's Ruby client describes the Interface SearchContext as this.  

The WebDriver provides the below methods:
  • close()
  • findElement(By by)
  • findElements(By by)
  • get(java.lang.String url)
  • getCurrentUrl()
  • getPageSource()
  • getTitle()
  • getWindowHandle()
  • getWindowHandles()
  • manage()
  • navigate()
  • quit()
  • switchTo()

More details of these methods can be found here.

RemoteWebDriver and AppiumDriver

Further, we see the class RemoteWebDriver implements the interface WebDriver.  Today, the WebDriver and RemoteWebDriver communicate using standard W3C specifications.

That way, all the modern browser which adheres to W3C specification should not have (much) trouble when using WebDriver and RemoteWebDriver to mimic the user action on them.  We see the ChromiumDriver(), ChromeDriver(), FirefoxDriver(), Edgedriver, SafariDriver(), and OperaDriver() extending the RemoteWebDriver.

This hints us to know and learn:
  1. Why do we initiate the WebDriver for first
  2. And, then we instantiate the browser's driver
  3. Later how we use WebDriver's instantiation to drive action (mimic the user action) on the browser using the respective browser's driver
When we want to automate using Selenium Grid, we make use of RemoteWebDriver to drive the action between the client and server.

The class AppiumDriver extends the WebElement and RemoteWebDriver from the project Selenium.  And further, it has its own methods to interact with the mobile elements.  More details about the Java Client of AppiumDriver can be found here.

The subclasses of AppiumDrivers are:

  • AndroidDriver
  • iOSDriver
  • WindowsDriver

21 Days 21 Tips -- #day17

Here are my pointers to fellow test engineers

  1. Interface SearchContext is top in the hierarchy of the WebDriver interface
  2. Interface SearchContext defines
    • Should I want to search for the element in the whole page
      • using WebDriver object
    • Or, should I search within a containing element
      • using WebElement object
        • We can notice methods returning the type WebElement
  3. RemoteWebDriver implements the interface WebDriver
  4. The modern browsers drivers extends the class RemoteWebDriver
  5. AppiumDriver extends the class RemoteWebDriver and interface WebElement
For more understanding of the SearchContext and WebDriver, refer to below git repository of SeleniumHQ:

The below understanding should give a mental model of how the call happens in Selenium's library:
  • WebDriver and browser's driver instantiation
  • The order in which it is instantiated and used in programming to automate actions on the  browser

If noticed, the automation we do is more of programming and not of Selenium's library.  We extend and implement the Selenium library in our programming to mimic the action on the browsers and mobile apps.

Tuesday, September 13, 2022

A Direction Sign for Beginners and Everyone to Start and Grow in Software Testing


I'm volunteering for the Agile Testing Alliance (ATA) for this year 2022.  This 10th September 2022, we had an ATA Round Table Talk 2 on account of International Testers Day.  We planned two events on this day -- QuizATAhon-1 and Ask Me Anything (AMA) with ATA volunteers.

One of the questions that we volunteers got from the community is:

"Best advice for beginners who wants to start there career in the testing field as per there experience level"

I shared my thoughts on this question in the AMA session.  I have a strong intuitive feeling that this will be the question of the interns, freshers, and also of experienced test engineers.  Hence, I want to write it as a blog post, so that it can be referred to as one of the directional heuristics.

This is Not an Advice

What I'm sharing in this post it is not advice.  It is information. You can use this information to advise yourself on what you should be doing to grow consistently in the practice of Software Testing and testing job.  As said, it is a directional heuristic that you can use.

This information will make sense to every one of us irrespective of experience in the industry with software testing as a career and practice.  There is no best advice.  I see, advice is information or carries a piece of information that can show us a direction.  And, the advice is a heuristic!

Direction Sign To Be a Skilled Tester

This will be super useful to you if you actually make use of it to your need and to the maximum possible extent that you can.

  1. Find your Software Testing Community
    • You might find the community quicker than finding the people, books, and syllabus of Software Testing
      • If you don't read Software Testing and Programming resources, someone in the community might be reading it
      • You can use their learning for your growth
    • Look out for the Software Testing Communities in your place (city or country)
    • Just do not look at one testing community; find more than one active communities
      • Collaborate with the communities
      • Interact with fellow Test Engineers in the community
      • Start contributing to the communities in the possible ways you can
    • Note that, the groups on Social Media will not make it a community
      • People come together in a community
      • Events, Meetups, Conferences, Discussions and much more will happen in the communities
    • Today we can associate with Software Testing Communities which are in other countries
      • Could be this community will have one of its chapters in your city or country
    • Find the Software Testing communities
  2. Mindset - Do not get easily influenced
    • You are bound to get influenced and follow easily
      • when you look into the community and the people in the community
        • with their works, writing, accomplishments, social presence, and identity
      • when your fellow peers in college or the workplace talk about testing to you in anyways and in any dimensions
        • It is their opinion
        • It is their understanding
        • It is their assumptions
        • It is their mindset
      • and, with what you read or watch about testing posted on social spaces
    • Have the mind and thought that questions; try to seek what makes sense rationally to you
      • Be practical and experimental
      • Do not attach your past and present experience's emotion to others' opinions
        • You evaluate it
        • Pick what makes sense to you and to your context
    • Do not be a mind of other Test Engineer or practitioner
      • Have our own voice and identity
      • Express your opinion while you respect the work and opinion of other Test Engineers and practitioners
      • Develop your working style, learning style, and problem-solving style
        • But do not stop observing others and how they are doing it!
    • Question!
      • It is about being included than being influenced
      • Do not stop questioning
      • Talk, and talk with respect!
    • A test is a question asked to learn what it is and to understand what actually it is
      • It needs a mindset
      • A mindset not to get easily influenced and accept an opinion or a thought
    • Note: Do not be influenced by this blog of me; just read it as a heuristic
      • You build your approach using this heuristic only if it helps you
  3. Knowing the chaos around Software Testing is very important
    • Everyone knows Software Testing and everyone believes to have an idea of what it is
      • This is the state of mind in the college that teaches computers and programming
        • This is the state of mind in the software industry
      • Chaos starts right from the syllabus, textbooks, and reference books, and with you
    • Here are some chaos and myths existing for 20+ years and they will exist in the coming years
      • Software Tester has no bright career as Software Testing is not technical
      • End of Software Testing is coming soon
      • Software Testing has seen its end
      • No need of knowing the programming
        • It is a necessity in today's Software Development context
      • It is an easy job
        • Is it so?
        • Try finding at least 3 business stopping risks and problems in the system every day
          • If you do this consistently, label it as an easy job
          • Let your business stakeholder acknowledge the findings of your testing as a business stopping risks and problems
      • No good money earned when compared to a programmer
      • No career in Software Testing as we grow with our experience in the industry
      • To be a Software Tester one need not be technical
      • It is a Women's job
        • Yes, that is how it was projected and was said
          • I'm saying this from my experience in India
            • I'm not aware of how it was or it is in other countries
        • 2014 and onwards, I have not heard this statement
        • Happy, that we don't hear this today
          • Thanks to SDET and SET roles
            • At least, this removed the gender bias is what I see
            • Today both women and men work in the role of SDETs
              • I worked with women SDETs and I did learn from them; I say this is in pride
          • I'm happy that women are taken out of this framing today
            • I'm very happy!
            • We don't have to bring gender discrimination in Software Testing career and jobs anymore
            • I see, there is no job that women cannot do today in the technology space
              • This is an empowerment of women
              • Women are equally skilled and work to upskill
          • We have skilled women technologists, CTOs, VP Engineering, Architects, Test Architects, SDETs, & Test Engineers
          • I'm happy that I have worked with technically skilled women and I reported to a few of them
          • Ah! I should stop calling men and women here; it is we Test Engineers
    • Do not panic with the chaos that is created frequently and consistently
      • Talk to your community
  4. Find your Mentors
    • I said mentors and not a mentor
      • Have more than one mentor
      • Know how to work and practice while you have more than one mentors
      • Respect your mentors by giving the credits and with your gratitude
    • Find your mentors in the workplace and in the community
    • Good if your mentors have the contrasting thought process and ideologies
      • Pick from both sides
      • Know what both sides advocate and practices
      • Apply the appropriate one to your work when the context demands it
    • Do not be the mouthpiece of your mentor
    • Do not be the mind copy or replica of your mentor
    • Do not imitate your mentor
    • Seek your mentor's assistance in you being you
      • Seek help in growing with your identity and voice
      • Have a voice and your identity
  5. Communicate with your Software Testing Community
    • When you talk to the community, you will know
      • where you are
      • where is Software Testing
      • the challenges your fellow testers in the community are having
      • how the challenges and problems are being solved
    • It will set you a tempo with an attitude if you talk and share your learning
    • In simple, just read or listen to the problems the testers share everyday
      • This is awareness!
      • At least, it opens to the awareness of technology, tech stacks, problems, solutions, industry, people, and more
    • Attend the meetups
      • Small crowd and high interaction with networking
      • High exchange of learning and experiences
  6. Be the Technical Mind
    • We Test Engineers are said to think like a user
      • Good!
      • This is an empathy mindset that is being cultivated in us for the users who use the solution we are building
      • But this empathy is alone enough today? No!
    • Empathy with technical skills will be much value adding
      • And it is today's need
    • When I say technical, it is not just programming
      • Programming is one small aspect of being technical
    • Let your technical journey start from learning:
      • How this works and what makes it work
      • Know the technology layers internally and externally when you learn how it works or when it does not work
      • Start here! And expand your technical capability dimensions
    • Today, we are said and expected to think like an engineer
      • An engineer who understands the user
      • An engineer who understands the business
      • An engineer who understands the investor
      • An engineer who understands the management and managers
      • An engineer who understands all this can change at any time
      • An engineer who can work, scale and deliver in a startup mindset and environment
  7. Seek and Share Awareness
    • What sets back we Test Engineers is the lack of awareness before lack of attempts to practice
    • We don't work, collaborate and associate to be aware of
    • We are not aware of -- what to be aware of
      • This includes me as well
      • I consistently keep trying to be aware
    • Do not just attend  and be part of the Software Testing community
      • Attend the community of programmers, DevOps, products, businesses, startups, enterprise
      • You will see the direction sign -- which happens to be a heuristic
  8. Know what is your Software Testing
    • Everyone has their understanding of Software Testing
    • Engineering Managers and Director of Engineering with whom I worked had their own understanding of Software Testing
      • No one was similar nor did match anywhere
      • All have their version of testing in their work
    • Know what is Software Testing you want to practice
    • Software Testing is contextual
      • Tailor and deliver Software Testing to what is expected at your workplace
      • While you do that, try educating your fellow Test Engineers
        • That's the seeding
        • This is the place where we can seed and harvest for a better tomorrow in Software Testing and for our growth
  9. Practice your Software Testing in all dimensions
    • Software Testing is with people, software, hardware, and more
    • When we are dealing with Software we cannot be away from programming
    • Programming gives a different order to our testing
      • Practice programming
      • Embrace it
      • Shell out the fear of programming
      • Start small; more importantly start and continue
        • To keep going, find one tester in the community who wants to do it
        • Go to your mentors and follow up with your accomplishments, setbacks, challenges, and problems
        • Get unblocked; make progress; learn, implement and share
    • Do not run away from the practice of automation
      • It is a necessity for today's Software Development & Engineering
    • Find all possible dimensions you can
  10. Build your portfolio
    • Explore how to build your portfolio in Software Testing
    • Ask community
      • We have several portfolios to refer to in the community
    • Build it and continue improvising it with the time and context
  11. Solve the Software Testing problems
    • Before solving at least be aware of the problems
    • Community is one place where you can hear the problems and challenges
    • Contribute to the solution and solving
      • This helps you a lot as a practicing Test Engineer
    • Problems come in flavors and contexts
      • Testing, Automation, DevOps, Product, Requirement, Delivery, and more
        • Have yours hands-on on all these verticals to help and scale your testing and automation
    • This will make you talk and help you grow with experience and learning
  12. Tune up yourself with Business, Political, and Management skills
    • Not all problems can be solved with a technical mindset and skills
    • It needs the skill of political and management orientation
      • Do good and be good
      • Work on how you communicate; it is important
    • Know how the business decisions are made
    • Know how business decisions influence technology, engineering, and anything
      • The business decision need not be based on logical and technical analysis
  13. Beat your EGO and respect your self-respect with dignity for Software Testing
    • Ego has killed a lot of us from talking and growing
    • Ego has made many managers lose their engineers
    • Ego had made many testers lose what their managers could offer to learn and grow
    • Software Testing has its touch points in every vertical of Software Development
      • Programming
      • DevOps
      • Product Management
      • Solutions
      • and, what else?
    • Testing is done in all these verticals
      • Ego can set us back and block from what we can make for our benefit and contribute to the organization and business
    • Managing the ego is a skill
      • While managing ego, balancing one's self-respect is a challenge
        • Know what is the objective and what you make out of it for your growth
      • While doing this keep the dignity of Software Testing and team morale high along with your self-respect
      • Talk to your mentors!
    • Yes, talk to your mentors
      • Mentors might be handling ego, self-respect, and dignity of their work and practice
      • Your mentors can tell you the ways to do it
    • Take care of your Mental Health and help others too
      • Physical health is also important

This information should hint you with the direction of practice, growth, and excellence as a Software Testing practitioner.  I'm here to connect with you anytime and talk more and take it forward.

Monday, September 12, 2022

Testability: More About it from the Programming Literature


My friend Parimala Hariprasad gifted me the book Essential Skills for The Agile Developer, authored by Alan Shalloway, Scott Bain, Ken Pugh, and Amir Kolsky.  Thank you, Parimala, for gifting this book.  I'm experiencing the value of this book and using it.

In this post, I'm sharing the content shared in Chapter 3 of this book. It is about Testability and how it improves the code quality.  

Why this Blog Post?

I continue to read Software Testing literature.  I understand the below as one of the primary key skills for a Software Test Engineer practice:

  • Identifying the Testability attribute in the system
  • Mapping and classifying how the available Testability attribute can be used in Tests
  • Asking for the Testability attribute
With that, I understand "how easy it is to test by a test engineer in a given context" as Testability.  If noticed, this is from Software Testing literature.  And, I see it has these three elements which tell the prominence of each:
  • How easy it is to test?
    • what factors make it easy to test?
    • how does it make it easier?
    • how does it bring the deterministic character?
    • how can I isolate the observations with my analysis with the help of deterministic character and aid added?
  • By a Test Engineer's
    • awareness, experience, learning, applying the skills, and more
  • In a given context
    • time, people, environment, availability, and more
If any of these three elements has trouble, it has its effects on the test and testing.  If you ask what effects, I don't know.  If I pick from my case to share one of the effects, I say, I was not very sure what was happening though the product looked to do what is expected.  But will it continue to do what is expected to do and in what all ways? I had no answer for in what all ways and in what contexts. This is one such case of how the absence or not using the Testability can influence the tester to be unsure about the learning made with help of a test.

The book I mentioned here gives another perspective from the Computer Programming literature.  It talks at the fundamental level and I see this is important to understand for we Test Engineers.  Soon in the coming days, we Test Engineers will be working and testing in these layers of product development. 

In the next section, I will share the lines from the book as is in italics and blue font color word.  The credits are to the authors of this book. I'm taking the text as it is from this book.  And, I will share my interpretation for the same and see the relativity of Computer Programming and Software Testing literature.  

Note: The credit is to James Bach for the Testability definition used above.  I added "the tester and context" to it as these two influence the Testability and outcome of using the Testability to a greater extent.

Testability and Code Quality

The authors of the book say, "testability is highly correlated to the code qualities we want to manifest, in particular, loose coupling, strong cohesion, and no redundancy."  Further, they illustrate how one remarks at the start of testing one's code by saying the below:

I can't test this code; it does too many things that are so interwined -- weak cohesion

I can't test this code without access to dozens of other things -- excessive cohesion

I can't test this code; it's been copied all over the place, and my tests will have to be duplicated over and over again -- redundancy

I can't test this code; there are too many ways for external objects to change its internal state -- lack of encapsulation

Then I read this line from the authors, "Gee, I wish they had thought of how this code was going to be tested while they were writing it!".  That's a question that every one of us has to ask ourselves for the work we deliver and not just for the programming.  

Alan Shalloway says he is kind of slow sometimes because it took him some time to realize this -- I should consider how my code is going to be tested before writing it! 

Testability is related to loose coupling, strong cohesion, no redundancy, and proper encapsulation.  Another way to say this is:

  • the tighter your coupling, the weaker your cohesion; 
  • the more your redundancy and the weaker your encapsulation, the harder it will be to test your code
Therefore, making your code easier to test will result in the loose coupling, strong cohesion, less redundancy, and better encapsulation.  This leads to a new principle -- Considering how to test your code before you write it is a kind of design.

Since testability results in so many good code qualities and since it is done before you write your code, it is a very highly leveraged action.  That is, a little work goes a long way; it is a great trim tab.

I and Testability

I try to understand and learn about Testability every day in my practice.  When I started my career 15 years back, I learned from my network, that one of our fellow testers in the community that is Meeta Prakash did her Ph.D. in Testability.  I wanted and still want to read the thesis of Meeta Prakash.  I hope she will find it and give me soon, one day.  In those days, I referred to the slides of James Bach on RST; that legacy slides that had contents filled with blue color. 

From there, I tried looking into the testability in what I test and what programmers deliver to me.  When I worked with Moolya in 2012, I realized from my practice -- context and the skill sets of a tester matter to make use of the available testability and to identify if it is present or not, and to what extent. I added this to the definition of James Bach and I shared the same with my fellow testers with whom I was mentoring and working together.

Relating the Literature and Interpretation

When the programming is talking about testability, I see it is talking about:
  • internal aspects of how it is programmed and to test the same easily in isolation, and in integration for the context while being deterministic
The words used to express in programming literature are more programming oriented.  Whereas, what we see in the Software Testing literature, it is more of a common man's words.  But, what both means is the same and the difference between them is to which layer and aspect they are referring and how, and why.

The Weak Cohesion
  • It will be an obvious experience to a tester when it is difficult to speculate and pull a particular observation with more information for a feature or a user flow
    • For example, if the Refresh Token is used along with Auth Token everywhere, then it will be tough to isolate when Refresh Token is used and when the Auth Token is used
I feel the same when wanting to test a piece of code in isolation from other code.  I have experienced this when testing one aspect of utility or a complete utility in isolation from the rest of the automation code.

The Excessive Cohesion
  • I could not test the mobile apps as I needed data
  • Certain data came from a portal that is also under development and depends on APIs to work
  • APIs would be under development till the last day of release and did not deliver the endpoints to the portal and mobile apps team
So how could the test team create data to test for mobile apps, web portal, and for APIs themselves?  If you see this is excessive cohesion at the product development level.

The Redundancy
  • In one project, I had to login each time to see the status of a session
    • All tests were programmed in a way that I should login each time
  • The test team used the login function in every test and it was duplicated
  • When signed in, the Auth token got changed which lead to difficulty in debugging and isolating the problem
This complicated the test code and also messed up debugging.  The tests could not be deterministic here.

I see a static Auth token or one-time login and using the same Auth token in all other tests in the suite could have helped to debug the problem and where it occurred.

The Lack of Encapsulation
  • My team had a tough time when started to use an existing automation
  • It had public access modifier for all methods in all packages
    • The team picked up and authored more tests that changed the data and states
  • This led to any object of a method to modify the data or state; it was not supposed to be modified at all
  • The debugging led us here and it was not a problem with the product
    • It was the problem with the product's automation code and how the tests changed data and state;  it was in turn used in other tests
This led to much more chaos as the automation and testing environment were the same.  The invalid bugs, meetings that got scheduled to discuss and time went into the meeting that ended with no use, and a couple of releases came into a decision should we deploy or not, and more.

Continuing the Unlearning and Learning of Testability

If you see, Testability has got multi-dimensions in the dynamics of software development.  Testability is not just about Programming and Testing.  It can be from the environment, project, people, what we understand and how we use it further in work, and the business itself.

I continue to unlearn and learn testability every day as I practice testing and automation. 

Thursday, July 21, 2022

Dealing with the Fallacies of a Fallacy


One of my mentees asked me to help in identifying and understanding the fallacies in Software Testing.  I did not know the context in which the help was sought.  All I got is, on reading the book from Gerald M. Weinberg, the mentee wanted to understand and know the testing fallacies better and in simple terms.  For "fallacy", I understand it as -- a misconception resulting from incorrect reasoning and a false belief.  

Further, I learn that reasoning and belief are also heuristics. Can the heuristic be a fallacy? I see, the heuristic can be a fallacy.

The Reality of the Fallacy is a Fallacy

I will keep this blog post layered and oriented with technical lines so that it becomes easy for anyone in tech to understand my thoughts.  As I write this, I get hit by this question -- "Fallacy is a Fallacy?".  With that, I'm left with a successive question -- Fallacy is a Fallacy? Is that not a logical question? 

When I mean logical, I understand logic is one of the aspects of rational, scientific, and systematic analysis.  The analysis has limitations, knowns, and unknowns.  Further, this is super covered by a meta context which includes the uncertainty -- we are aware of and not aware of in our analysis.

When I write this, I see the word "meta context" in my mind.  I don't know if someone has used it earlier.  I presume, someone should have definitely used it when talking about engineering and systematic rational analysis. 

When we work on an engineering problem, we work with a context.  In that context, we learn 

  • the problem, 
  • need (requirement), 
  • assumptions we make, 
  • what we know, 
  • what we do not know, 
  • potential solutions, 
  • approaches, 
  • execution, and more

The engineer in me says, there is a meta context for every context.  Doing engineering to the meta context is an over-engineering is what I understand.  

Engineering to a context, by solving the risks and problems which are identified in that context, is what we all are doing, today.  This is my observation!  An example of this is the software system that we are building and continuing to consistently develop to be updated for the need.  The software system we are building, testing, and deploying is bound to a context and not to the meta context.

In Software Engineering, we work on a context, and, that itself is huge engineering.  Eventually we start seeing the context in which we work as a meta context, while it is actually not.  This is one of the fallacies which we encounter and most times do not identify it.  You see?  Then how to think about the meta context which comprises the infinite contexts from which we have picked a context to engineer and solve?

Once we try and continue to be aware of meta context and what it has, we start to learn everything is a fallacy, including the fallacy.  That's enough philosophical from me.  But, that's the reality and fallacy, as well. 

That said, thinking is a fallacy.  We know that exhaustive testing is not possible.  Likewise, exhaustive thinking is not possible.  When one's thinking is not exhaustive and bounded, don't a fallacy exist there? 

One's scientific and logical thinking is modeled and sampled over a few models, space and dimensions.  The decision from this thinking, practice, and testing will have limitations and fallacies that are noticed and unnoticed.

If an organism can think, then that organism will undergo the influence of a fallacy.  And, the organism can learn to identify fallacy, if at all it understands -- I can be fooled no matter what.  That is one of the byproducts of testing -- knowing the few possible ways how one can get fooled.  And, we have no leisure and luxury to find "all the ways"; this bound brings in fallacies in one's belief, thinking, work and decision.  So I say we work in a context which is pulled out of a meta context.

I see this is the stem of fallacy; the fallacies get wired to our thought process and to the engineering we do. Our systematic and scientific interpretation accepts the fallacy as -- logical, and systematic, and claims the problem we're solving is solvable.  Note that, when I say solvable here, I mean, we can deal with it for the costs and value we get out of it.  By doing so, we handle and manage the fallacy to yield the value.

What Did I Read Just Now?

Well, what you read above are engineering philosophical thoughts of me.  Now, let me pull that to the Software Engineering and Software Test Engineering.

The software system or a hardware system or any system that we have built is an assumption.  We assume it works because we work to make it work.  And, we sense that it works because we adhere to the protocols which define these assumptions.

So that tells me, that anything and everything is built, and being built is an assumption and has protocols. And if anything is working, it is on assumptions.  If anything has failed to work, it is on our assumptions.  That infers me, that rational and systematic analysis is an investigated and experimented assumption.

These protocols and assumptions can blind us to fallacies and limits us to not identify the fallacy.  On witnessing an incident, the fallacy or the outcomes of a fallacy may get uncovered a bit.  That is what we do in the RCA -- Root Cause Analysis.  We do the RCA so that we learn the fallacy in which we got trapped.

On RCA for an incident, we will experience a similar or same problem again.  Why?  We think, that once we do the RCA and practice, we do not repeat the mistake -- this is a fallacy too.  We do a new mistake, which leads to another RCA.  Does that means, the RCA of an incident says not to fall for the same fallacy again but okay for another fallacy?

Managing Self with Fallacy

I too fail in identifying the fallacies.  I continue to prompt my thinking and analysis to see the obvious traps while I test and deliver the testing.  I do not identify all the fallacies in a context.  I will work to find the list of fallacies that brings the most cost in testing delivery and system development technically.

Here are a few questions that I ask myself each time in my test session and analysis:

  1. What are the five contexts where this is a problem or risk?
  2. What are the five contexts where this is not a problem or risk?
  3. What are the five ways where this looks to work as expected?
  4. What are the five ways where this does not work as expected?
  5. What are the five contexts that matters most about this system and I have missed to know them?
  6. In what contexts this bug is not a bug anymore? Why?
  7. In what contexts this will be a bug/problem/risk/cost? Why?
  8. What are the influencing factors and practices considered in making this decision? In what contexts do these factors and practice displace the value with the cost?
  9. What are the assumptions and beliefs that are driving my testing?  Whose assumptions and beliefs are they?
  10. Do I know that I can be fooled?
  11. Do I see any problem here?
  12. Do I see any value here?
  13. Do I see any cost here?
  14. What More Can I See Here?

Understanding and learning -- how my team and stakeholders attach the importance to the same information, helps me. This potentially hints me if they are under influence of any fallacies.  I learn, the context in which team members and stakeholders are also influencing the importance attached to the same informationSometimes, the team and stakeholders use the same word; but, I notice they have other meanings.

This has lead me to learn, it is not about being precise or not for first; it is about, having the ability to communicate and help each other to have the clarity in what is expected.  And, how to achieve this clarity considering the thought processes and beliefs that each stakeholders hold, is a must to understand.

To sum up, we cannot avoid ourself from the fallacy.  What is not a fallacy at present, it can and will be a fallacy in coming time.  The goal is to how we manage to identify and deal with the fallacy which is influencing us and our work.

There is no escape from the fallacies!

Note: The count of words "fallacies" and "fallacy" in this blog post is 47.

Wednesday, July 13, 2022

IntelliJ and Cache: Maven Dependencies Not Resolved

This post is about the Maven dependencies not resolving.  I'm recording the incident, my understanding, and what worked for me. It can help a fellow Software Test Engineer.

Incident and its Details

I'm using the machine which has the below setup:

  • OS: Windows 10 Pro
  • IDE: IntelliJ IDEA 2022.13 (Community Edition)
  • JDK: 1.8
  • Maven: 3.5.4 

I created a new Maven project and in the pom.xml, I added the below dependencies.  The IDE showed that these dependencies are not resolved.


<!-- -->

<!-- -->

<!-- -->

I observed, that the added dependencies not getting resolved, that is, not getting added to libraries.  In the IDE, I see the error as this:

  • Dependency 'io.github.bonigarcia:webdrivermanager:4.3.1' not found
  • Dependency 'org.seleniumhq.selenium:selenium-java:4.3.0' not found 
  • Dependency 'org.testng:testng:7.3.0' not found
  • Dependency '' not found

Note: I have other Maven projects to which I have added the same dependencies but of different versions, in my workspace. Each time I add a dependency it will download to the libraries in my workspace though it exists, and this is my configuration in IDE.

At this point, I did not know what is happening and how to approach resolving this problem.  All I know is, that there are other versions of the same dependencies in the Maven's library on my machine.

Understanding the Problem

I tried to understand what it is saying to me.  It says it cannot find the dependency.  Could be that it is looking for the dependency in the Maven's library on my box, and it is not finding it.  

Further, I looked into the web to see did someone else face the same incident and said behavior.  Few posts said using the "compile" scope solved the problem in their case for WebDriverManager.  But, how can the change in scope fix the dependency not found incident?  This was the question in me!  To my curiosity, I did try that for WebDriverManager; I did not see any change.

Invalidating the Cache - Is that a Fix?

In the IntelliJ IDE, I tried to invalidate the cache and reboot the IDE and open the project.  I see the dependencies being resolved and I do not see the said problem.

I don't know how this fixed the said problem here.  Also, I don't know precisely what exactly the problem is, here.  Invalidating the cache and reopening the IDE (also the project) worked.

On invalidating cache, here is what happens per IntelliJ:
  • Removes the cache files for all projects ever run in the current version of IDE
  • The files will be recreated the next time you open these projects

I remember now that I upgraded the IntelliJ to the latest version before creating the said new Maven project, here.  Later, it resulted in the above said dependency problem. 

Note that, I had created a few Maven projects using an older version of IntelliJ.  I have the same dependencies in the old and new projects, just the version of these dependencies is the only difference.

Now, invalidating the cache on this new version of IntelliJ, it got fixed.  I understand that the IDE uses the cached instances of these dependencies.  Could be there is a relationship between this cache, dependency versions, and the IDE version?  I'm technically not sure of the same, but my instincts say it is.