Saturday, November 5, 2022

Technically, What is a Bug?


I'm mentoring the Software Test Engineers.  In one of the pair sessions with a mentee, we were discussing the technical aspects of one technology.  We started to test the application and a mentee said, she found a bug.

She explained the bug.  Further, she asked how, can I explain this bug technically.  And, going ahead, she asked, "Can you technically tell what a bug is?"  

Technically, What is a Bug?

I have come across various definitions of a bug from other software testing practitioners.  If I have to tell technically what a bug is, I put it this way:

  • A bug, is a logical incident experienced
  • It is logical because the programming instructions written are logical
  • Technically, the bug is a logical incident


  1. A software bug is an error, flaw or fault in the design, development, or operation of computer software that causes it to produce an incorrect or unexpected result, or to behave in unintended ways.

  2. Hello Anonymous,

    I'm glad that you put your time into reading this blog post. :)

    You are right! You are right in the perspective you are understanding about the bug.

    However, I have this to share with you.

    1. Bug -- I have shared one of my perceptions & understanding about it in this blog post

    2. Error -- The context of understanding and definition changes in Software Engineering. Have you read a message as "input error"? This says an error is shown when a user enters invalid data that is not acceptable to process.

    3. Flaw or Fault -- It does not become a bug, but it will lead to bugs in the system. Flaw or Fault or Defect, all these words have an inclination of legal perspective.

    4. Incorrect or Unexpected behavior or unintended ways -- this in general says that there is a difference between expected and actual behavior. It is a problem! Is it a problem in the engineering, programming, operational, or where? No need to tell all these are because of we humans in the end.

    I hope, I gave you the perspectives that are different for each of these words.


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