Saturday, February 3, 2024

Database: Finding the Tables Having Specified Column Name


In today's pair testing session with a mentee, we were testing for Database I/O.  We were on PostgreSQL.  One of the questions a mentee had is,

How can I figure out the tables having this column name?

Running through every tables and exploring if the column being looked for is present or not, is time consuming.  It is not a approach to take as well.

I went through this when I started the ETL testing practice in 2011.

Here is the query that works on PostgreSQL to find table names which has specified column name.


select table_name, column_name
from Information_Schema.Columns
where table_catalog='database_name' and column_name like '%column_name%'

It is a better approach to know the precise column name and using the condition as -- column_name='EmployeeId'.

This query should work on MySQL and MSSQL Server.  If not working on MSSQL, need to look into the FROM and WHERE clauses if it is vendor specific.

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