Sunday, November 19, 2023

MVQT: The Testing and Tests with a MVP's Perspectives

I was leading multiple teams and its delivery in a testing service company.  Then, I came up with this thought -- Like MVP, I also have the MVT (Minimum Viable Tests) for a MVP.

Further, I expanded this thought in my day-to-day practice on tailoring to different contexts. I'm observing that it is applying well to the different contexts when I tailor it to the contexts.  After experimenting it for 10 years, I'm sharing this as a blog post.

What is a MVP?

I take this from Eric Ries.  It looks simple and precise to me.

The Minimum Viable Product is that version of a new product which allows a team to collect the maximum amount of validated learning about customers with the least effort.

I see this technique [and a concept] can be applied to anything when I'm developing.  As a test engineer, I develop the tests and test code in major as part of my testing.  On applying the idea of MVP to my testing and deliveries, I see the value and result.

Reading this blog post of me to know who is a developer.

Testing, Tests, MVP and MVQT

In software test engineering, I see the MVP as Minimum Viable Questioning Tests.

The Minimum Viable 'Q' Tests (MVQT) for a focused area of a feature [or to a feature]

  • Helps me to identify the priority tests that should be executed for first
  • Allows me to learn information on priority which matters critically to product and stakeholders
    • So that a informed decision can be made.

The Q in MVQT stands for "questioning".  I read it as Minimum Viable Questioning Tests.  I see the "Q" as a placeholder for the Quality Criteria.  That is, MVFT means Minimum Viable Questioning Functional Tests to a feature or a workflow.

The MVQT are key to know:

  • Have I identified and designed the priority tests?  How do I know that I have got them?
  • Did stakeholders get the information which they wanted to know on priority?
  • Did MVQT help me to
    • Explore and know what I wanted to know about a feature or a workflow?
      • How fast I was here to know and learn this?
      • How did I develop my tests incrementally?  Did I?  If not, then, is it a MVQT?
  • Did MVQT help me to know
    • Am I aligned and in sync with expectations of my stakeholders and customers who are using the software product I'm testing and automating?
  • Did the MVQT help me 
    • In collecting the critical information in a given context for the scope of testing and automation?
    • Do the learning and outcome from this MVQT help to reinforce the validated learning of customer?
  • Do MVQT result support the outcome of Unit Testing result?

The tests in MVQT has to be consistently revised and evaluated to keep it as a MVQT.  Note this, not all tests are MVQT.  If the number of MVQT is growing to a part of feature or to a feature, it is time to think about what is MVQT for you.

The "minimum" tests are highly effective and it helps me learn and test better technically and socially.

MVQT and Testing

  • Sanity or Smoke Tests
    • The set of MVQT which helps me learn can the build be taken further testing
  • MVFT - Minimum Viable Questioning Functional Tests
    • Apply this to a feature or a workflow or to that part which can be evaluated with minimum tests for its functionality
      • To update is this aligning to the validated learning of customer [stakeholders]
  • MVPT - Minimum Viable Questioning Performance Tests
  • MVUT - Minimum Viable Questioning Usability Tests
  • MVAT - Minimum Viable Questioning Accessibility Tests
  • MVTxT - Minimum Viable Questioning Tester's Experience Tests
  • MVST - Minimum Viable Questioning Security Tests
  • MVAF - Minimum Viable Questioning Automation to a Feature
  • MVLT - Minimum Viable Questioning Localization Tests
  • MVUIT - Minimum Viable Questioning UI Tests

You add more of this to your list and context.

In a way, MVQT should ask and look for the testability, automatability and observability.  If this is not happening, then there is no possibility of saying I have got my MVQT.

More importantly, in the CI-CD ecosystem, MVQT pays a major role.  If I should have my tests in the  CI-CD pipeline, then, the MVQT is the way and it focuses on a targeted area to evaluate it.  Else, it is hard, impractical and not possible to test in CI-CD eco system by delivering continuously.

Ask and Review for MVQT

Ask for MVQT, when you review these:

  • test strategy, test framing, test design, test ideas, test cases, test plan, test architecture, test engineering, testing center of excellence, and test code

For example,

  • What is the minimum viable questioning performance tests that you have got to test this feature?
  • What is the minimum viable questioning performance tests that you have got to test this workflow?
  • What is the minimum viable questioning security tests that you have got to test this feature?
  • What is the minimum viable questioning GUI tests that you have got to test this feature?
  • What is the minimum viable questioning contract tests that you have got to test this end point?
Likewise, What is the minimum viable questioning automation tests that you have got to test this feature?

Ask how these tests qualify as MVQT in this context of testing and automation?

This should help you to see how effective is the test strategy in a given context.

Importantly, the MVQT and its effectiveness is a testability to test your tests.

The Credit is to Me

I'm not sure if the idea what I'm saying here in this blog post is practiced by other test engineers.  I have not seen this being discussed about it in public forum.  I have not come across it in my awareness and to the exposure I have put myself.

Hence, I will take this credit to me.  Giving the credit honestly is not a common sight and practice.  I have not got my due credits for using the ideas, thoughts and work that I have come up with.

So, I make it as a open letter and call out that credit for this idea, thought, concept, and practice will be to me when you listen, use and practice it.

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