Saturday, November 4, 2023

Exploring to know the Web API - 101


Here is what I look when I'm exploring to learn an end point of web API for first.  I'm talking of the Web API that uses HTTP protocol.

  1. What is the purpose of this end point?
    • How it helps and to whom?
  2. Who uses this end point?
  3. Identify the host of the end point
  4. Identify the path of the end point
  5. Identify the API's end point
  6. Identify the version of the end point
    • Know the different version that are available for an end point
      • What are active?
      • What are inactive?
      • Who are the consumers using these different versions of this end point?
      • What's the difference between these versions?
  7. Identify the HTTP method of the end point
    • Know the different HTTP methods this end point supports
  8. Identify the resources the end point interact with for CRUD activity
  9. Know the HTTP Request headers it needs, uses and good to have
  10. Know the HTTP Request payload or data and its format
  11. Know the HTTP Response headers and good to have
  12. Know the HTTP Response Status Code and what actually it should be returning
  13. Know the HTTP Response content and format returned
  14. Does this end point enforces any contract with the consumer?
  15. Know the intent of your test on this end point
    • One test in one request is useful unless the context demands otherwise
  16. Is there anything cacheable in the end point's response?
  17. How the request payload is?
  18. How the response payload is?
  19. What is the language in which the end point is written?
  20. What is the language in which the resources that end point updates is written?
  21. Any framework used to build this end point?

On learning this, I continue to next phase in exploring and knowing the web API.

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