Sunday, November 19, 2023

Waterfall or Agile: Testing for Performance - Where to Start?


Do you understand the Agile?  I have shared my understanding here; give it a read.

The eighth question from season two of 100 Days of Skilled Testing is:

Can you share some best practices for conducting performance tests within an Agile development environment?

Best Practices and the Agile

The irony is, the Agile says, there is no best practice.  It asks, to tailor and fit the practice to the context so the continuous delivery and value is delivered consistently upholding the Agile's principles.  

Yet, we talk about the best practices in the Agile's context, like the eighth question asked here.

What is the effective way to test in the continuous delivery?

As a test engineer, how can I start thinking and testing for performance from the inception of a feature's thought?  I see, it is not hard to do so.  As you read further in this post, you will have a perspective and awareness to do it.

Performance in Waterfall and Agile

I learn, the performance is an experience.  It does not differ because of the Waterfall or Agile.  If the performance is not a pleasing experience, it will impact stakeholders no matter it is Waterfall or Agile.

But, the question when evaluating for the performance is -- where to start, when to start, how to start, and with what to start?

As of today, I do not see differences in the mindset and skills one has to have for testing of performance in Waterfall and Agile.  Could be the approach differs in certain phases here; otherwise, I see the same in both practices.

I will rephrase the eighth question to this:
What is your practice to evaluate the performance right from the start of product development in your project?
I do not want to wait until to hear -- the development is completed and deployed; now we can start running the performance tests.

What can I do as part of performance tests from the first day of development and first commit?  This is my intent and area to look in strategizing the testing and tests.

The Culture of Engineering

At the start and end of the day, when we developers start and finishes the work,

  • How the work is done and why, is defined by the engineering culture practiced by that organization.
    • The Performance Engineering of the software products and solution being built will be driven the by the culture practiced.

The Test Engineering and how we test and automate will be driven by the culture of engineering practiced in the organization.

Writing the code not just for building the functionality, but, also for performance is a culture driven factor.  The organization's culture for engineering practice drives it!

Testing for Performance - Where to Start?

I'm sharing my research work that I'm doing and experimenting on performance engineering and performance tests.  I'm seeing the results and value out of it and so are the stakeholders.

Today, we are getting skilled in exploring and testing without the requirement document and SLAs in hand.  Isn't it?  Haven't you?

I use my MVPT to figure out what are the minimum performance tests for the feature.  As part of this, I will explore with help available aids to evaluate the performance.

To start, I will use these questions to figure out the performance tests:
  • What is the minimum viable questioning performance tests that you have got to test this feature?
  • What is the minimum viable questioning performance tests that you have got to test this workflow?

Unit Tests for Time and Space Complexity

I will work closely with programmers to gather information on below when the code for the feature is committed as part of Unit Tests.
  • The execution time taken by the code of that feature - the Big O Notations for space and time complexity
    • Usually the Unit Tests focuses on functional tests and clean code practice
    • But, when we test team ask and push for performance data, this can come as part of Unit Tests
      • An architect or a principal engineer can set an expectation on
        • What should be the time and space complexity of a code for a feature?
          • Each functions and blocks need to be evaluated on this
          • As said earlier, this depends on a engineering practice culture of an organization
            • If the culture wants it, it will be there; else just the functional code will be delivered and not the performance code
      • If the time and space complexity analysis outcome is not as expected, the code written has to rethought and refactored
        • The review process need to put it back
        • The comment with data has to be published
          • This will be useful to model the performance tests by test engineers who will be working on performance tests
      • Doesn't it look a like a effective useful practice as part of Performance Engineering right in the early stage?
        • This is very well applicable to projects running on Agile or Waterfall

Do you have this in your project and Unit Tests written?

The time and space complexity questions should not be confined just to the SDETs [test engineer] interview.  A test engineer has to ask for it and apply it in her or his day-to-day work.

Profiling Tests by Test Engineers

We testers do not get into product's code analysis.  We have to build skill to run the profiling on product's code and analyze the resources data.
  • Test Engineers can test the feature's code with the help of IDE's profiling (runtime analysis) and collect the performance data by identifying the performance bottlenecks
    • This runtime analysis can profile for
      • Memory snapshots
      • Thread analysis
      • Monitoring resources
      • CPU and allocation profiling
      • And, more
      • The problems and risks can be reported upon analysis
    • Compare the two different solution's approach performance data
This information will tell and indicate where is the risk and problem when we deploy the code.  In my opinion, this is a useful information in modeling further performance tests.  This information is first-hand information which is very powerful before we start using any other performance testing strategies and tools to aid the tests.

Get Started with Performance Engineering and Tests

These are available in the IDE.  We think of performance testing tools and ask how to test for performance.  To be precise, we test developers (test engineers) should change our mind and shift for first.  If not, as I say, we will be the bottleneck for first to ourselves.  Did you know this way of testing for performance?  Why not you introduce this in your project and organization?

If seen, these test practices can be used right from the day we commit the feature's code. This is a place to start for the performance tests.   This will be a differentiator together with MVPT and guides the MVPT to design effective performance tests in the context.

I do not say these are best practices and there is no best practices.  But this is a useful practice when the organization and stakeholders ask for it.  Let your organization and stakeholders know how well you can test for performance right from first commit of product's code.

To stop and end here,
  1. Just do not test for functionality from day one, also test for the performance from the day one.
  2. Influence your organization's engineering culture and developers not just for developing functional code, but, also for the performance code

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  1. [[..Pingback..]]
    This article was curated as a part of #111th Issue of Software Testing Notes Newsletter.


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