Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Software Engineering - The Unquestioned Understanding of Client in Testing

Client - The Unquestioned Understanding

When asked or said "client" or "client-side", most of us assume or take it as:

  • Web page displayed in the browser
  • Mobile apps - Android and iOS apps
  • Desktop applications

I see this is one of the unquestioned understanding and assumption in the Software Engineering.  While it is not wrong, the client does not always mean -- a web page displayed on browser, mobile apps, desktop applications, a terminal, etc.

The client is one of the subjects which we have not attempted enough to understand in Software Testing & Engineering.

A client is one who consumes the service in form of a response, and then does what it has to do.

Client - The Contextual Entity

The entity which takes the a client place [role] is entirely based on the context.  That web page displayed on a browser is a client per some model.  So is the mobile apps.  A service looking for data from Redis is a client too.

The client can be within the backend system which requests another entity to process its request and awaits for the response.  This client is not always a mobile app, web page on a browser, or a terminal where I'm working with commands.  Do you see that?

Next time when you hear the word client, ask for the context and know who is the client that is being discussed.

Client's Awareness in Performance Tests

By now, you should be breaking your assumption and the myths around the word "client".

In testing for Performance, it is critical to be aware who is client, when and how?  Evaluating this client will not be like evaluating a web page on a browser or the mobile apps.

The fifth question from season two of 100 Days of Skilled Testing, is:

How does client-side performance testing contrast with server-side performance testing, particularly in their objectives and area of emphasis?

Hope now you will question when said client-side performance,

  • What client are we talking here?
  • Where do this client sit in the system's architecture.

Based on this information,

  • How the tests for performance is approached and executed for a client, differs.
  • What is collected and observed to evaluate the performance of a client, differs.

This blog post is not to illustrate the different clients and how evaluate it for performance.  When the question talks about a particular client and in a context, I will share the approach, and how to evaluate the same.

To end, have we explored the clientless interface?  How to test this interface?


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