Saturday, April 1, 2023

I Transformed In The Heat of Software Testing's Words & Glossary

I'm talking about the words, glossary, and jargon we use in our communication, especially in software testing.

Words in Use

Manual Tester, Manual Testing, QA, QA Automation Testing, Automation Testing, Automate, Automation, Tests, Checks, Verify, Validate, Test Case, and more.

Are these words right or wrong to have in Software Testing's glossary?  I want to see beyond right and wrong.  I will share my learning on this in a different blog post.


When I started my career, I advocated for using the appropriate words and glossary when talking about Software Testing.  I was in this state of mind. I continued in it.

The information on the web for Software Testing was minimal and not abundant as it is today.  I observed practitioners questioning, debating, arguing, and challenging the words and glossary used in Software Testing.  I see, it is good that this scrutiny happened.

It took me years to come out of it and realize what I should be focusing on.

Eventually, I realized it is not changing; it continued and continuing.  I changed. I transformed.  I'm evolving!


Today as well, I see practitioners questioning, debating, and challenging the same words and glossary.  Is this a need?  Yes, it is a need.  Who else will do it if we do not do it?

But, how do I do it now?  I do not discuss it with all and everywhere I see a discussion and opportunity.


  • I listen to people as I did
  • I understand what they mean by the words and glossary used in the discussion
  • I take an opportunity to trade and introduce the word in discussion in a light way
    • I see the other side interprets it as I interpret their word
    • We mutually agree on what is expected and to be delivered
    • I will move on to continue our discussion and accomplish what we have to
  • How often do I do this?
    • I choose when to do it
    • But I keep the happening calm and a delightful conversing

I'm not stuck or getting into a discussion on words and glossary as I did.

I'm watchful about what I use in discussion and testing delivery.  With my fellow software test engineers on the team, I share my insights, discuss and focus on our work.  I do not enforce or impose anything.  But, I always welcome questioning and challening me.

This has brought me calm, peace, energy, and time for what should I be learning and doing.

Do I ask other fellow practitioners to do the same?  I will not get into this thought.  Let one do what one wants to do.  I converse and discuss if I have any questions and it makes me curious. I move on!

As a practitioner, I know, it is important that I speak up for my craft's and subject's words and glossary.  I introduce it in a light way.  If one is interested, I will be asked about it.

Change in the self is a first progress and I feel peace with it.

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